Communication within the Titan Flow Engine

Between ControlPeer and Grid Manager

The Grid Manager provides a REST API with the endpoint address/gridmanager/controlpeers. During its setup, the ControlPeer registers at address/gridmanager/controlpeers by posting “address:port” of its own REST interface for later communication with the Grid Manager. When a flow run state is to be changed, the Grid Manager sends a request to the ControlPeers Rest API to the endpoint /api/v1/flows/string:name.

Between ControlPeer and Package Manager

The Package Manager provides a REST API with the endpoint address/packagemanager/controlpeers. During its setup, the ControlPeer registers at address/packagemanager/controlpeers by posting “address:port” of its own REST interface for later communication with the Package Manager. After registering it requests the list of bricks at address/packagemanager/bricks . For installation of bricks, the Package Manager provides a REST API to download brick code zip archives. The ControlPeer fetches code of not yet installed bricks from the endpoint address/packagemanager/bricks/string:BrickId> and unpacks it locally. In turn, when a brick package is installed, the Package Manager sends the list of installed bricks to the ControlPeers Rest API to the endpoint /api/v1/bricks/install. During shutdown, the ControlPeer deregisters at the PackageManager by sending a delete request to address/packagemanager/controlpeers.

Between ControlPeer and Flow Manager

The Flow Manager provides a REST api with the endpoint address/flows/string:name/config In case the Grid Manager starts a flow, the ControlPeer requests the flow configuration from this endpoint using the flow name as provided by the Grid Manager.

Between BrickRunners

BrickRunners connect to each other on their Input/Output: A BrickRunner (A) creates a server for it’s Output. This server address is then passed onto the ControlPeer when requesting an assignment. A successor BrickRunner (B) will get this address as an input target in the answer to it’s own assignment request. The B then opens a TCP/IP connection to A on this address.

Once the connection is established B will order A to deliver a batch of packets and then process incoming packets until that batch size is reached. And as soon as the number of unprocessed packets drops below the low queue limit a new batch of packets is requested.


If the criterion for triggering autoscaling of a successor brick (details in is met the BrickRunner sends a scaling request message to the ControlPeer. The scaling request contains the name of the successor brick. If autoscaling was successful, the new BrickRunner instances sends a Scaling Message containing the output server address as a new input target to its successor BrickRunners.

Messaging and MessageTypes

On each connection a four byte large integer (Network Byte Order) gets sent first, announcing the size of the following message. The message itself is then sent as a binary representation of a two-item UjoList. The first item always identifies the type of the message, the second item is actual content, another UjoContainer.

The following MessageTypes exist:

# BrickRunner-BrickRunner:

    Scaling = 6
    Packet = 20
    PacketRequest = 21