Source code for titanfe.connection

# Copyright (c) 2019-present, wobe-systems GmbH
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""Encapsulate asyncio connections by wrapping them into a Connection"""

import asyncio
import logging
import pickle

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional

from ujotypes import UjoMap, read_buffer, ujo_to_python, UjoStringUTF8

import titanfe.log
from titanfe.apps.brick_runner.connection import Buffer
from titanfe.ujo_helper import py_to_ujo_bytes
from titanfe.messages import Message


PAYLOAD = UjoStringUTF8("payload")
BUFFER = UjoStringUTF8("buffer")

NetworkAddress = namedtuple("NetworkAddress", ("host", "port"))

[docs]def decode_ujo_message(ujo_bytes): """Decode ujo bytes into a corresponding python object, but keep an existing "Payload" as Ujo. """ ujoobj = read_buffer(ujo_bytes) _, content = ujoobj[0], ujoobj[1] payload = None if isinstance(content, UjoMap) and PAYLOAD in content: payload = content[PAYLOAD] del ujoobj[1][PAYLOAD] try: buffer = content[BUFFER] except KeyError: buffer = UjoMap() else: del ujoobj[1][BUFFER] pyobj = ujo_to_python(ujoobj) if payload is not None: # set payload to the original ujo payload pyobj[1]["payload"] = payload pyobj[1]["buffer"] = Buffer(buffer) return pyobj
[docs]class Connection: """Wrap an asyncio StreamReader/Writer combination into a connection object. Arguments: reader (asyncio.StreamReader): the stream reader writer (asyncio.StreamWriter): the stream writer log (logging.logger): a parent logger encoding: "PICKLE" or "UJO" """ def __init__(self, reader, writer, log=None, encoding=ENCODING): self.reader = reader self.writer = writer self.closed = False self.log = log.getChild("Connection") if log else titanfe.log.getLogger(__name__) if encoding == "PICKLE": self.decode = pickle.loads self.encode = pickle.dumps elif encoding == "UJO": self.decode = decode_ujo_message self.encode = py_to_ujo_bytes async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close()
[docs] @classmethod async def open( cls, address: NetworkAddress, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None ) -> "Connection": """open an asyncio connection to the given address (host, port)""" reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(*address) return cls(reader, writer, log)
[docs] async def close(self): """close the connection by closing it's reader and writer""" if self.closed: return self.reader.feed_eof() self.writer.close() try: await self.writer.wait_closed() except (ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError): pass self.closed = True
[docs] async def receive(self): """wait until a message comes through and return it's content after decoding Return: Message: a message or None if the connection was closed remotely """ message = None while not message: try: msg_len = await self.reader.readexactly(4) except (asyncio.IncompleteReadError, ConnectionError): self.log.debug("Stream at EOF - close connection.") # self.log.debug('', exc_info=True) await self.close() return msg = await self.reader.readexactly(int.from_bytes(msg_len, "big")) self.log.debug("received message: %s", msg) try: msg = self.decode(msg) except Exception: self.log.error("Failed to decode %r", msg, exc_info=True) raise ValueError(f"Failed to decode {msg}") try: message = Message(*msg) except TypeError: self.log.error("Received unknown Message format: %s", msg) message = None self.log.debug("decoded message: %r", message) return message
[docs] async def send(self, message): """encode and send the content as a message""" self.log.debug("sending: %r", message) try: msg = self.encode(message) except Exception: self.log.error("Failed to encode %r", message, exc_info=True) raise ValueError(f"Failed to encode {message}") msg_len = len(msg).to_bytes(4, "big") try: self.writer.write(msg_len) self.writer.write(msg) await self.writer.drain() except (ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError): await self.close()
def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): message = await self.receive() if not message: raise StopAsyncIteration return message